Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Citizen Savage

So, 6-6-6 is nearly over. Nothing terrible has happened--yet. We ate veal for dinner, and so made the baby Jesus cry, but so far, no lightening bolts...

I did have a sudden urge to go to church, but that was on account of Bingo; I was feelin' lucky. Instead, I voted, like the good little citizen that I am.

I made cherry muffins and egg salad, verbally tormented a couple of telemarketers, despaired over the faulty structure of my latest novel, and did several crossword puzzles. (In ink! And mom always said I was stoopid!) All in all, it was a typical Savage day.

I really have to get out more.

Though it is not yet summer, here in Tumbleweed Junction it is already hotter than Satan's pizza oven. After my mentally exhausting voting experience, I chose to cool down and relax with this delightfully sweet and refreshing summer punch:

Savage Chef Summer Cocktail

2 oz. light rum

1/2 oz. Cointreau

1 oz. orange juice

1 oz. pineapple juice

1/2 oz. grenadine

twist of lime

Shake with ice and strain into well-chilled glass. Repeat as necessary until those funny politicians make sense, or you pass out in a pool of your own sugary drool.

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