Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Hi! This is Billy Joe Jim Bob, my fiance!"

When did the word "fiance" come to mean "boy I'm letting bang me this week, because I am a stupid little slut"?

8 years ago, we left the little glass box of an overseas assignment and came home with three daughters. The first time the eldest one, who was in high school, came home and told me about some girl at school and her "fiance", I was a bit surprised. I didn't think a young girl had any business getting engaged that young. I wondered aloud about what her parents thought.

Boy, was I naive!

As it turned out, this use of the word "fiance" was common usage at her high school. The same thing was true with the next daughter, and now again with the youngest. Welcome to the United States, I guess!

Hey, the first time I watched stateside tv and saw the Jerry Springer show, I about fell out of my chair!

My daughters would never have a "fiance", or they would be going off to some convent in the Swiss Alps. I wish that at least, these future welfare mothers would use birth control, but I am sure that is too much to ask. Interferes with their freedom to choose, don'tcha know. (Insert rolling eyes emoticon here)

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