Friday, May 19, 2006

Black Is the New White

It's great when new products come out, isn't it? The wonders of early twenty-first century technology and design would surely astound a time traveler from an earlier time. Take the latest addition to the chic modern bathroom: black toilet paper.

Why would I want black toilet paper, you ask? Why not, says Miguel Pereira da Silva, whose Portugese paper company, Renova, makes the most innovative toilet accessory since that little thing you put in the tank and it turns the water blue.

The company also sells tp in red and in orange, "to celebrate exotism (sic) in the bathroom."

The commercial for this product looks like a strange art-porn film, to judge by this still:

Is she ripping his underwear off to see if he wiped?

According to the article this astonished Savage read, Mr da Silva feels that black toilet paper signals "avant-garde creative work."

I suppose that might be so, if one does one's best creative work in the toilet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Savage! daphne here. I linked to this on another website I frequent. Nice work!

see you around. clink.