Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Still Hate the Desert

So, we have a rare pleasant night. I can turn off the air conditioner, but first I must pull back curtains and draperies, yank up blinds and shades, and open seventeen windows. The one in the library stuck, I had to bang it with the meat pounder to get it open.

Sailing downstairs to open more windows, I once again missed the last step and had to do a sudden balletic leap to avoid breaking anything I am attached to.

Really, 'twas nothing. On worse days, I miss the last two steps, fall in a heap and moan and curse.

Someone here is watching Monty Python's Holy Grail. What a perfect movie it is! If for nothing else, I would have to admire the boys for managing a song in which they rhyme "indefatigable" with "Clark Gable."

You can't buy that kind of clever.

No. Really.

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