Saturday, June 03, 2006

Life in a Western Town...

So, it's been a while since I sent out any smoke signals from the big pink pile of stucco, but rest assured, it was for a damn good reason. My very own little grandson came to visit me, all the way from Hawaii. I don't want anyone to think I am prejudiced or anything like that, but he is without a doubt the most perfect little creature ever created. If y'all are lucky, one day he will rule over you, and life will be better than good, it will be Zekelicious.

Oh yeah, he also brought his mama with him. I am rather partial to her, as I gave birth to her by my very own self, and she is brilliant and kind and beautiful. But enough about these other people. Let's talk about me.

I survived a Toilet Spider incident! Not since Okinawa have I been so ooky-fied! Of course, the spider on The Rock was about 8 inches across (the dreaded banana spider) and the Tumbleweed Junction spider was about 7-1/2 inches smaller, but still, the experience was a traumatic one, and I think I deserve a big drinky and a bit of a lie-down.

Oh, and some chocolate, too. I am suffering from baby withdrawal, and I am weepy.

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